Does God Really Care About Earth Day?

There was some debate as to whether our Templeton Pres blog really needed an Earth Day post.  Is Earth Day just an excuse to wear tie dye and flip flops?  But then someone sitting at the table said “creation”, and the banter about hugging trees came to a stop.


Earth Day has its merits, of course, reminding people to recycle and conserve energy and not litter.  In addition to being good stewards of the planet on which we live, though, Earth Day could also be an opportunity for us to acknowledge our Creator.  Mountains, valleys, rivers, lakes, skies, clouds, trees, plants, even nitrogen, oxygen and the other elements that make up the air we breathe. God not only imagined them, He made them happen…right here, all around us. 

God could have stuck to just keeping things functional: air to breathe, water to drink, land on which to live; but He went above and beyond functional.  The Creator decided waterfalls, canyons, snow-covered peaks and pine trees would make things a lot more fun and interesting, along with sunsets, almond blossoms, and ocean waves. In addition to caring for the planet, perhaps Earth Day is the perfect opportunity for us to not only acknowledge God’s handiwork, but to remind ourselves to be truly AMAZED by it!


And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day. (Genesis 1:31)